With “WE_AR* NATURE” SS24 campaign, Salewa launches a new trekking collection, which joins a more traditional carryover trekking proposal. The main aim of the project is to consistently differentiate the new capsule from the existing one, adopting new languages, locations and hybrid aesthetics (which mixes tradition and innovation, urban and mountain). Salewa aims to attract the new “progressive” audience who are approaching trekking today. Albertdesign developed the campaign concept, produced the shooting and adapted the message to all touchpoints.

The target consumers tend to be young, dynamic, multi-discipline, looking for disconnection from everyday life, from usual. They conceive of immersing themselves in nature as a way to experience a profound, almost therapeutic, internal reconnection, but at the same time they are extremely social towards their communities. Through the animated claim “WE_AR* NATURE” we have chosen to stimulate them through an ambivalent message that could embrace two different meanings: “WEAR NATURE” and “WE ARE NATURE”. The campaign claim recalls the ideal embrace of the green fibers – which make up the garments of the capsule – towards the human body, at the same time conveying an idea of complete fusion with natural elements. At a visual design level, technical lettering was introduced – proposed in yellow, the accent color of the Salewa brand – with the aim of emphasizing the high-tech aspect of the capsule.

The Salewa Progressive Trekking SS24 campaign shooting integrates and enhances the communicative power of the claim, staging a deep immersion of the subjects in nature. The photographic expedient we used to communicate this harmonious fusion is the total chromatic continuity between garments and environment. The talents merge with the backgrounds, while the warm tones of the rocky and desert locations tell of a trekking decontextualized from the Dolomite environments, typical of the Salewa aesthetic. The adoption of stylistic languages derived from the universe of indie music videos and the street-fashion business adds a further level of innovation, completing the visual architecture that makes the campaign iconic.

Part of the challenge was to be able to transfer to the target audience the codes of the brand which aims to be “The Most Aeshtetic Mountain Brand” and which bases its values on the Dolomite origin, underlined by technical elements and materials that link it to the territory such as the use of Alpine hemp both for the midsoles of the footwear product and for the main fabric of the garments. The theme linked to the product was treated with 3D animation techniques, developing two video edits dedicated respectively to the PUEZ KNIT MID PTX footwear and the PUEZ HEMP DURASTRETCH HYBRID jacket. The concept summarizes the transformative passage of hemp, which evolves to outline the Salewa hemp-based products.

The result of the intervention is an integrated campaign capable of moving between traditional press and digital media, for a multi-channel approach that redefines the Salewa language in every field of application. A campaign with multiple meanings, composed of different levels of in-depth analysis from both a technical and emotional point of view. From the development of traditional ADS visuals, to retail visualization, to social storytelling: the different souls of progressive trekkers are highlighted through dedicated visual products.